Time: 3:00 Hrs M.M:
This question paper consists of two sections A (MCQ), and B
( Theory )
Questions in section A are multiple choice questions
carrying 1 mark each. You have to select one of the most appropriate response
out of the four provided to you.
Question numbers 1 to 5 carries 1 mark each. These are to
be answered in one word or one sentence.
Question numbers 6 to 15 carries 2 marks each. These are to
be answered normally in about 30 words each.
Question numbers 16 to 25 carries 3 marks each. Their
answers may not normally exceed 60 words.
Question numbers 26 to 28 are long answer type questions
carrying 5 marks each. These are to be answered in about 70 words each.
Q1. A student has performed an activity in which he has
taken 4 beakers A, B, C, and D containing Copper Sulphate solution (CuSO4). Then he
dissolved in each beaker a teaspoonful of substances as follows:
- CuSO4 + Zn→
- CuSO4 + Fe→
- CuSO4 + Cu→
- CuSO4 + Ag→
In which solution
will he get displacement reaction?
I) Beaker B II) Beaker
III) Beaker A and
Beaker D
Q2. Tenzin has collected a spoonful of rust and dissolved
it in a very little amount of water. He find that the rust remain suspended in water. After shaking well he
test the solution with red and blue litmus paper. What did he observe?
I) Red litmus
paper turning into blue II) Blue litmus paper
turning into red
III) Both I and
II IV) None of the above
Q3. Which solution from the following will glow the bulb in
the given circuit?
I) Sugar solution II) Distilled
III) Alcohol IV) Lemon Juice
Q4. When an electric current is passed through the CuSO4 Solution, it dissociated into Cu and SO4. In this process
of electroplating, the free Cu get drawn to which terminal of the battery.
I) Positive
II) Negative terminal
III) Both the
IV) None of the above
Q5. Tin cans are used for storing food because:
I) They are cheap II) They are
reactive metal
III) They
help in keeping the food hot IV) They protect the food for longer period.
Q6. In LED, one Lead is slightly longer than the other. The
lead which is always connected to the positive terminal of the battery is:
I) Longer lead II)
Shorter lead
III) Both the
lead are of same size IV)
None of the above
I) Budding II) Embedding
III) Metamorphosis
Q8. External fertilization occurs in:
Mammal II)
III) Fishes IV) Reptile
Q9. Observe the given life cycle of frog carefully and name
the stage marked in diagram:
Adult Frog II) Eggs
III) Late tadpole
IV) Early Tadpole
Q10. The number of nuclei present in a zygote is:
Two II)
Four IV)
Q11. Reproductive age in women starts when their:
I) Menstruation
starts II) Breast starts
III) Body weight
increases IV) Height increases
Q12. Menarche in the reproductive life of a women refer to
I) The first
menstrual flow II) The last
menstrual flow
III) Irregularity
in the menstrual flow IV) Periods of
menstrual flow
Q13. The
endocrine gland that is located on the kidney is called:
Pancreas II) Thyroid Gland
III) Adrenal
IV) Liver
Q14. Beautiful patterns are formed in a
kaleidoscope because of:
I) Single
reflection II)
Double reflection
III) Multiple
IV) Irregular reflection
Q15. Identify the protruding part given
in the diagram:
I) Neck II) Throat III) Oesophagus IV)
Adam’s apple
Q16. Sunlight consists of:
3 Colours II)
7 Colours
III) 4 Colours IV)
None of these
Q17. Image formed by a plane mirror is:
I) Virtual,
behind the mirror and enlarged
II) Virtual,
behind the mirror and of the same size as the object
III) Real, at the
surface of the mirror and enlarged
IV) Real, behind
the mirror and of the same size as the object
Q18. The image of an object is formed at the:
Iris II)
Lens IV)
Q19. Which one is correct among the following?
I) A sound
pleasing to ear is music II) An
undesirable sound is noise
III) A sound
which can be heard is audible IV) All of these
Q20. Voice of which of the following is likely to have
minimum frequency?
I) Baby girl II) Baby boy
A man IV) A Woman
Q1. Name the non – metal which we inhale during breathing. 1
Q2. If electrodes were immersed in water and a current was passed, the
bubbles of gases were produced. Name these gases. 1
Q3. Name the stage of embryo development in which all the body parts can be
identified. 1
Q4. Tenzin’s mother gave birth to another child with two X chromosome. Can
you tell what the sex of baby is? 1
Q5. What is the angle of incidence of a ray, if the angle of reflection is
00 by a plane mirror? 1
Q6. An element X combines with oxygen to form an oxide X2O. When X2O is added to water it turnsred
litmus blue.
a) Is “X” a metal or a non – metal? 1
b) Is X oxide an acid or base? 1
Q7. Give a balanced chemical equation when sulphur dioxide is dissolved in
water. What is the nature of the product formed? 2
Q8. Water from taps and hand pumps conducts electricity but distilled water
does not. Why? How can you make distilled water conduct electricity? 2
Q9. Write the full form of LED. Why we use an LED in place of the electric
bulb in the tester? 2
Q10. Classify the following animals as viviparous and Oviparous:
Cat, Hens, Snake and an elephant 2
Q11. Do you think human beings undergo metamorphosis? Support your answer. 2
Q12. a) What is the most important change which marks puberty in boys and
girls? 2
b) When
does the puberty end? 2
Q13. A 60 cm long boy is looking at his image in the plane mirror.
a) What is the size of his image? 1
b) What is the nature of his image? 1
Q14. Draw a diagram showing regular and irregular reflection. 2
Q15. Define the following term:
a) Frequency 1
b) If an object oscillates 40 times in two second. What would be its
frequency? 1
Q16. Give reason:
a) Sodium is always kept in kerosene 1
b) Aluminium is used as foil 1
c) Gold is used as jewels 1
Q17. How do metals differ from non-metals in terms of?
a) Physical state 1
b) Conductivity 1
c) Ductility 1
Q18. Write true or false against the following statement:
a) During electrolysis of water, hydrogen gas is collected at the positive
electrode. 1
b) During electroplating the object to be plated is connected to the negative
terminal of the battery 1
c) Copper can be refined by electrolysis 1
Q19. Label any three part of male reproductive organ in the following
diagram. 3
Q20. Give reason:
a) What purpose does the tail in the sperm serve? 1
b) Why do fishes and frogs lay eggs in hundred whereas a hen lay only one
egg at a time? 1
c) How could a single cell become such a big individual? 1
Q21. List three secondary sexual character of a female which they observe
during adolescence. 3
a) A set of two plane mirrors were placed at 90º to each other. A ray of light falls
on one mirror at an angle of 60º as shown in figure below. Draw the
reflected ray from the second mirror with proper labeling. 1
b) How many images of a candle will be formed if it is place between two
parallel plane mirrors separated by 10 cm. 1
c) How do visually challenged
persons read and write? 1
Q23. Give reasons:
a) Why is a woman’s voice more shrilling than a man’s voice? 1
b) Name the factors that affect the “pitch” and “loudness” of a sound. 1
c) In which medium does the sound travel fastest? 1
Q24. Give three points on how noise pollution is harmful to human. 3
Q25. The bulb does not glow in the set up shown in figure. List
three possible reasons. 3
Q26. I) Pair up the term given in column A with those in column B 3
a) Sulphur dioxide luster
b) Copper water
c) Chlorine Electric
d) Hydrogen gas Turns
blue litmus red
e) Iodine fuel
f) Carbon Pop
Tashi took a piece of burning charcoal and collected the gas evolved in a
test tube. How willhe find the nature of the gas? 2
Q27. Complete the following table: 5
of hormone
1. Thyroid
Regulate growth and metabolism
2. ……………….
Controls heart beat and blood pressure. Regulate
3. ……………….
Regulates the amount of sugar in blood.
4. ……………….
Growth hormone
Controls growth in human body
Q28. i) Label any six part of human eye given below: 3
ii) Suggest two ways to take care of our eye. 2
Best of Luck
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